Category: Letters

  • Rebuilding Haiti

    Letters to the editor San Francisco Chronicle – Friday, January 22, 2010 Let’s do it right Given the long history of U.S. domination of Haiti and support of its corrupt dictators (described in detail by Dr. Paul Farmer in “The Uses of Haiti”) and its more recent direct involvement in the 2004 overthrow of its…

  • Haiti and Afghanistan

    Provide help where it’s wanted – San Francisco Chronicle 1/15/10 The United States should end its disastrous occupation of Afghanistan, which is only producing greater and greater resentment among the Afghan people, and turn to Haiti, where it would be welcomed as a partner in rebuilding the country into a sustainable economy. Nothing could benefit…

  • San Francisco Chronicle – Insight Letters 9/20/09

    New threat: atmosphere of corruption in Kabul Tamim Ansary’s conclusion that U.S. aid has failed to reach the grass roots and instead is going into the pockets of foreign contractors is a sad truth (“Finding a way out of the quagmire,” Insight, Sept. 13), but reaching the grass roots is easier said than done as…

  • Letters to the Editor – Berkeley (California) Daily Planet

    Thursday August 20, 2009 DOWNTOWN PLAN Editors, Daily Planet: The debate over Berkeley’s downtown plan might become more grounded in fact if the city were to follow the lead of cities like Havana, which has a three-dimensional scale model of the city, showing any proposed changes to citizens before any changes are made.  Such an…

  • Time for Leadership – NY Times 8/14/09

    August 14, 2009 Letter Time for Leadership To the Editor: Re “Senator Goes Face to Face With Dissent” (front page, Aug. 12): If there ever was a time for leadership, now is the time for President Obama to make his case to the American people in clear and uncertain terms about what changes he believes…

  • (NYT) Letters: The Public Option in Health Care Reform



    Link to article Re “The Pitfalls of the Public Option” (Economic View, June 28), in which N. Gregory Mankiw favored a “lightly regulated” private insurance system over one where a public option is included: Would the system he advocates include a requirement that private insurers accept all applicants? As long as private insurers are allowed to…

  • (NYT) From Acts of Defiance, Democracy May Grow in Iran

    Link to article Published: June 17, 2009 To the Editor: President Obama is wise to observe discretion with respect to commenting on the unrest in Iran (“Obama Warns Against Direct Involvement by U.S. in Iran,” news article, June 17). The C.I.A. overthrow of a democratically elected leader, Mohammed Mossadegh, in the 1950s is still…

  • (NYT) LETTERS: America, What Comes After Torture?

    Link to article To the Editor: Re ”In the Spirit of Openness” (editorial, April 23): Americans and the world deserve a complete and thorough investigation of the Bush administration’s use of torture, and if this is to occur, it must be by a special prosecutor and not a ”bipartisan” commission, which, if the past…

  • LETTERS; Obama In Afghanistan



    [link to article] Published: February 1, 2009 To the Editor: Ray Bonner’s review of Bruce Riedel’s ”Search for Al Qaeda” and Tariq Ali’s ”Duel” (Jan. 16) presents President Obama with conflicting recommendations: increase NATO troops, versus Ali’s political solution involving the removal of NATO troops. While it would appear that President Obama has opted…

  • (NYT) LETTERS; William Buckley’s Legacy

    Link to article Published: February 29, 2008 To the Editor: Re ”William F. Buckley Jr., 82, Dies; Sesquipedalian Spark of Right” (front page, Feb. 28): He was such a master of wit, repartee and sophistry. Who will force all thinkers to sharpen their minds now that Bill Buckley is gone? Tom Miller Oakland, Calif.,…