The Monnin family has played an integral part in Haitian culture since 1947. Through Galerie Monnin, Haiti’s most prominent gallery, the family has introduced Haitian artists to the international art market with great success. In 2002, the family established The Dallas Monnin Foundation (“FONDAM”) in honor of the Monnin family’s late daughter, Dallas. It was declared a public interest foundation by the Haitian government in 2004. The philosophy of the FONDAM is to protect the environment through reforestation, to conserve the watershed areas and to conduct civic education classes for children in the Port Salut area of Haiti. Since the tragic earthquake, the Foundation has also engaged in direct aid to Haitian artists and their families who suffered greatly. Here is a link to the artists FONDAM is helping.
100% of your contribution to Green Cities Fund will be transmitted to Fondam. US dollar checks should be made payable to “Green Cities Fund – Fondam” and mailed to:
Green Cities Fund
725 Washington Street, Suite 300
Oakland, California 94607 USA.
Contributions are tax deductible. Green Cities Fund is tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Other ongoing activities of the Foundation are described below:

La Fondation Dallas Monnin pour Le reboisement, la protection des sources et des rivières et la promotion de l’Education civique, dans la Zone de Port-Salut en République d’Haïti a été créée en 2004, et déclarée d’intérêt public par le Gouvernement haïtien en 2006.