Green Cities Fund is fiscal sponsor of the Caravan Support Project, founded by Thanh Mai Bercher and Holly Joy Wertman, who received their B.A.’s in Public Health at U.C. Berkeley.
They have been active in women’s health and refugee relief projects in Greece, Vietnam, Palestine and, now, cross-border refugee relief in Mexico. Working with local grassroots organizations they facilitate donation distributions, hygiene programs, and health care for pregnant women and mothers in formal and informal spaces. This work is critical for the thousands of migrants who are living in shelters, on the streets, or in large refugee camps. 100% of donated funds go directly to the Caravan Support Project.

Madres y Familias Deportadas en Acción is led by a community elder and works to support mothers, families, and individuals who have been deported to Tijuana. They distribute clothing, shoes, and other donations to people in need along the border. Ongoing efforts include service referrals, personal support, and tattoo removal for former gang members.
The Caravan Support Project brings volunteers and donations, supplies, and clients to Madres y Familias. The team also runs a newly-formed distribution space and center for deportees and asylum seekers.

Parteras y Medicinas Ancestrales is a collective of midwives who work along the border. In Tijuana, they provide prenatal care, counseling, and birth services to pregnant women – regardless of their ability to pay. They are working on cataloging indigenous herbs and accompanying birth prayers, creating a midwife certification program, and leading doula workshops.
The Caravan Support Project organizes health days, purchases supplies, finds clients, and subsidizes the work of the midwives.

Health Frontiers in Tijuana (HFit) is a clinic that serves people in the Zona Norte (red light district) of Tijuana. They frequently support sex workers, LGBTQ people, and patients with HIV/AIDs. They provide rapid testing, PrEP counseling, and other medication as-needed. They rely on community donations for medicine and funding.
The Caravan Support Project purchases medicine and supplies for HFiT.

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